Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"You gain a little you lose a little"

Well I guess it would be the week before that I gained a pound, and this week I could not quite redeem myself, I was able to lose just a half of a pound. I feel like I am stuck; I am going to try something different this week. I will let you know if it works. Just 2 more weeks to go. I have to lose 5 pounds to meet my short term goal. I am going to the pool today with Tracy and Rashelle. I know that will be good for us.


Amanda said...

I got stuck for two weeks too, actually gained back almost a pound, then lost that plus another half pound this past week. I will be lucky if I haven't gained this week as it has been very stressful. Please do let us know if the new thing you are trying is successful!

Tracy said...

I gained this week! I'm so bummed...We will REALLY have to pick it up this week.

Tracy said...

You are doing so well Sandy! I'm being come discouraged...I've lost the fire I had to loss weight...sign.