Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"I'm Back"

I am so disappointed in myself, I can't seem to blast past this plateau I am on. I lost a little last week and gained it back this week. I have got to find a way to shake up this yo-yo syndrome. I need to rededicate myself and focus on my goal. I like Tracy's analogy of the fire; mine has burned out as well. So let's start the fire again girls and get motivated to finish what we started.


Amanda said...

I am having a tough time too Sandy (I also gained back this week). I know part of my problem is stress (both at home--Mark's health--and at work--too much to do!). I have a hard time eating properly when I am stressed out. I need a vacation!

I'm hoping things will be a little better in three weeks when this semester is over.

Tracy said...

I did lose this week...only 1oz. But a loss is a loss. OKAY girls - this is our kick in the pants to get back going! I challenge EACH of us to LOSE next week. it does not matter how much...JUST do it!