Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Great Finish to my 12 Week Journey

I reached my goal of losing 30 pounds, WHOOPIE! I placed 2nd in the overall challenge and will be receiving a check for $170.00, YAHOO! Now that was a really nice incentive, but what really matters is that I am more fit and healthy; I plan to lose another 25 pounds, a personal goal that I am striving to reach by summer. No bikinis for me, just a nice size 12. The library Challenge will give me the accountability that I need. Don't put it off; if you want to start losing some weight and get healthy, sign up today. I promise you will feel so much better all over.


Amanda said...

Wow, this is so exciting - and you did it all without gimmicks, just careful eating and lots of exercise. Congratulations!

I need to lose at least 30 pounds too (I'd love to lose 50!) and you make me feel I can do it! I thought about trying Isagenix, but if you can do it without that kind of stuff, so can I.

Tracy said...

Way to go Sandy! I knew you could do it. You are an inspiration to us all. The "walkers" have kept me moving, so I think the Library Challenge will be great!

Anonymous said...

I think it is better if you can put your heart and mind into searching out the healthy things to eat and exercise is probably the best thing to help burn those unwanted calories... If you can, the 6 mini meals a day is probably the best way to go. It feels like your eating all day and you don't really get so hungry. Water,Water, Water is also a must.